Neighbour Submissions to Council
Are your neighbours planning to renovate a building or erect a structure? Regardless of whether you received information from them about this directly, or whether the council informed you about the development, you may have concerns about how this project could affect your home.
Some common concerns include loss of privacy, or the proposed development blocking sunlight or the views. We can help you to read drawings and visualise what the final project will look like, so that you fully understand the impact it will have on your home. If there are matters that adversely affect your property and land, then you should prepare an objection for submission to the council.
We can advise on whether the proposal is compliant or not, and if necessary prepare this objection on your behalf. If your neighbour’s application does not meet the rules, we will help you mount your argument with detailed analysis of plans and documentation to assess their Development Application.
Why hire a professional:
- You might not be sure if your neighbour is actually violating any of the rules
- You might not have time to go through all of the rules
- You might not have a clear understanding of the terms, drawings, or technical aspects of the report